Anxiety| What You Need to Know Right Know

Nousher Hassan Tariq
3 min readJul 25, 2021


If you think you’re suffering from anxiety or want to know more about it then you’re at the right place. Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion. But when disproportionate levels are experienced it becomes a medical disorder. It is the body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension of what’s about to come.

What is anxiety?

According to medical terms, anxiety is defined as an emotional state characterized by feelings of discomfort, anxious thoughts, and physical changes such as high blood pressure. Anxiety disorders lead to a category of a mental health diagnoses that can cause certain disorders. These disorders affect how a person behaves and expresses emotions.

In the United States, the percentage of adults reporting symptoms of anxiety rose to 41.1% by the beginning of 2021.Mild anxiety is vague but severe anxiety affects the day-to-day life of a human being.

According to researchers anxiety in the United States affects 40 million people but only 40% receive treatment. Knowing the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder helps the person to identify when treatment is needed.


When a person faces potentially harmful or worrying triggers then symptoms of anxiety take over. This is not only normal but also essential for survival.

When a person faces a dangerous situation there’s a rush of adrenaline, a hormone, and a chemical messenger in the brain, in the blood which is caused due to fight or flight response of the body. This response is accompanied by excessive sweating, raised heartbeat, and increased sensitivity to the surroundings.

For some people running from larger animals is not as pressing as it used to be at an early age. Now, this situation is taken over by the issues of job, money, family, life, health, and other issues that require persons attention without activating the fight or flight response.


Common symptoms include

· Excessive worrying

· Feeling agitated

· Restlessness

· Fatigue

· Difficulty in concentrating

· Irritability

· Tense muscles

· Trouble falling or staying asleep

· Panic attacks

· Avoiding social situations

Avoiding Social Situations

· Irrational fears

Treatment of Anxiety

Anxiety can cause distress but it is not always a medical condition.

Natural ways to reduce anxiety include

· Limiting caffeine intake

· Exercising often

· Quitting smoking

· Eating a healthy diet

· Abstaining from alcohol

· Practicing Yoga and meditating


Well, that’s all about anxiety. I hope we were able to make you well informed through this article to help you in the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.



Nousher Hassan Tariq

SEO Content Writer/ Product Content Writer/ Affiliate Marketeer