Hypoallergenic Dogs | No More Sneezing from Pets Today

Nousher Hassan Tariq
3 min readSep 23, 2023


Are you pondering over hypoallergenic dogs? While being a dog lover, you or someone in your family might be pet allergic. According to a study in the year 2022, there were around 7.1 million pet dogs in Japan. Many puppies exist, but is every breed fit enough to be your pet?

Hunting a hound that won’t get your eyes watered is a tricky task. But don’t sweat it, as some dogs that don’t shed much do exist.

Let’s go on a pet stroll to learn about allergy-proof dogs!

Are There Any Hypoallergenic Dogs?

In the pet industry, the famous saying goes, “A dog is man’s best friend.” But is the same true for those with pet allergies? There are no hounds out there that are 100% non-allergy causing. So, there are no non-shedding dog breeds out there that won’t cause allergic reactions.

However, there are hypoallergenic dogs that are least harmful to you. The most prominent factor that causes pet allergies is the shedding process. When even the cute little puppies shed, allergens spread all over. These irritants cause pet-allergic persons to sneeze and tear up.

Hypoallergenic Dogs — Least Shedding Puppies for You

There are large dogs that don’t shed and small dogs that don’t shed too much out there for you. Such hounds or puppies aren’t very hairy. Here’s a list of dogs that will leave paw prints on your heart:

  • Maltese
  • Chinese Crested
  • Xoloitzcuintli
  • Basenji
  • Bichon Frise
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • The Afghan Hound

There are no dogs out there that don’t have any fur. Briefly, even the ones listed above have some hair on certain body parts. Some might’ve more, while others might have less. But you won’t sneeze around these hounds as much, so no worries.

Causes of Dog Allergies — Digging Deep for Pet Lovers

Understanding the problem is always half the answer. So, why not make a beeline and grasp the underlying cause of picking from hypoallergenic dogs? Pets like dogs and cats do shed. Due to shedding, their dead skin cells can stick to the carpet or anything around them.

Mostly, an allergen named Can 1 and dander proteins from a dog’s hair are responsible for causing allergies. Dander is a protein that every dog in the world casts off during shedding. So, these irritants that your cute little puppy sheds can aggravate Allergic Rhinitis.

Becoming Immune — Tips for Sensitive Dog Lovers

What about dodging a bullet by becoming immune to dog allergies? That way, you can hang around any hound or puppy without being at your wit’s end. Yes, there would be no more struggle over choosing from hypoallergenic dogs. Immunotherapy over time can make you allergic-free from your pets. Some of these tips can help you to reduce the chances of allergies:

  • Having pet-free zones and using air purifiers
  • Vacuum cleaning your house
  • Bathing your pet dog at least once a week

Wrap Up

To summarize, you can shake hands with your dog if you choose from hypoallergenic dogs. Conversely, you can even end the misery by opting for immunotherapy against dog allergies. So, you can have a lovely experience with the dogs that don’t shed as much.

We hope this helped you find the dog that never makes you sneeze again!



Nousher Hassan Tariq

SEO Content Writer/ Product Content Writer/ Affiliate Marketeer