Is ChatGPT a Threat to Content Writers | What the Future Looks Like

Nousher Hassan Tariq
7 min readApr 20, 2023


In this age of science and technology, when so many advancements are being made in almost every walk of life, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is no exception. Artificial Intelligence is a computer or computer-controlled robot’s ability to accomplish tasks normally associated with intelligent beings like humans. According to Statista, the robotics industry is expected to grow from 100 billion USD value to twentyfold of the present by 2030. Jean Baudrillard states,

“The sad reality about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.”

OpenAI is a company that is based on research on artificial intelligence. Statista states OpenAI is the most funded machine learning operations company, valued at over one billion USD. This company has developed many AI tools, the most famous being the “chat-box” experience-based, and its most recent one is “ChatGPT.” Different tools work on their unique models based on their functionality. Like the content writing tool Jasper, ChatGPT has its language model, GPT 4, which is the most advanced compared to the previous ones based on GPT 2 and GPT 3.

This AI tool has raised concerns of content writers worldwide; due to its similarity to human content, which is unmatched even by all the tools of the past, the question of content writers’ future emerges. Can ChatGPT be considered a threat to SEO content writing? Let’s dig deep to figure it out!

How ChatGPT works?

ChatGPT is a tool that answers any question asked while offering a chat-based experience to the user. The user can give a command to write an article, the expected results are given in seconds. The algorithm of this tool works by scrapping data from the already present content of a search engine like “Google.” It has ingress to the data stored in the directory until 2021. After scrapping, it paraphrases it in a human-friendly way.

It’s like when you want to learn something new; you go to a library and read all the books on the field you want to explore. “ChatGPT” goes through already available data on that topic written by all the human content writers in the search engine and then paraphrases it based on the commands given persuasively.

What Human Content writers Possess that ChatGPT Lacks?

Remember, “ChatGPT is a tool; it has no life.” As humans are social creatures, reliance on an AI tool could lead to a genuine loss of human connection. Content writers put down proper SEO (Search Engine Optimized) content that is grammatically correct, plagiarism free, and engaging for the targeted audience.

Forbes elaborates on “Why will content always be the king?” If content will always be the king, can the writers who produce it be replaced by a tool lacking a human approach? Content churned out by ChatGPT lacks emotions and a unique perspective along with the narrative nature when it comes to sharing experiences as a human content writer. Some of the other qualities that this AI tool lacks are these.

Human Creativity and Empathy

ChatGPT lacks the creativity that a human brings to the table. Content writers know how to make an article peculiar, fun, and appealing to the audience. These qualities cannot be developed by an AI tool as these are based on the writer’s experience. Machines don’t experience emotions; only humans possess them. Furthermore, ChatGPT doesn’t possess the ability of “content analysis.” Only content writers can analyze the type of data at hand.

Sometimes I wonder specifically about the word “Artificial” in “Artificial intelligence.” Doesn’t this word clarify something, even regarding ChatGPT, an AI tool?

Quality to Produce Brand-Tailored Content

Only human content writers possess the ability to deliver brand-specific content. Companies and brands hire them to produce pieces of content that are specific to their products or services. Brands have a unique style and tone for conveying their message to the audience, and this tone and style are irreplicable for ChatGPT. Content writers identify what it will take to engage the audience or customers of that specific brand.

Asking ChatGPT Itself if It Can Replace Human Content Writers

Yeah! You heard that right! I was crazy enough for the sake of this article that I even asked this directly to an AI tool.

“Will ChatGPT replace human content writing?” The reply is briefed here in my own words!

It has the purpose of assisting humans, not taking over them.

It lacks the critical thinking and sensory nature that humans possess, based on which content writers can adapt to changes in styles, tone, and context to produce a piece of art that resonates with the audience.

ChatGPT is complacent in doing things on its own. It can help in simple writing tasks but doesn’t possess the human qualities and intelligence to produce high-quality content; It’s just a tool that works on input data that it had been trained for.

How Does ChatGPT Content Perform in Search Engines?

SEO experts have long since wanted to produce more content in less time, but the quality suffers a lot compared to the pieces of content generated by content writers. ChatGPT content can be penalized anytime by Google as it doesn’t abide by the policies narrated by Google Search Central. Content generated by an AI tool can rank under certain conditions. These include that the content is of high quality and is rewarding while abiding by the policies of Google. But it is almost impossible for ChatGPT to produce such content, fulfilling these conditions while at the same time abiding by these policies.

EEAT (Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness)

E-E-A-T is the core value of Google when it comes to judging quality content. Human content writers automatically fulfill this policy’s first two pillars: experience and expertise. For the content to be regarded as high value by Google, these four posts of this policy must be fulfilled simultaneously, which ChatGPT cannot abide by.

When you want to get legal advice, you will heed the expertise of a lawyer or accountant; when you are suffering from a health issue, you will ask for the services of healthcare experts. These professionals, including writers, possess experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness simultaneously, which cannot be exhibited by an AI tool. These four qualities are learned and established over the years in any specific field, like content writing, which ChatGPT cannot achieve.

Google’s Panda Update

SEO experts and content writers do their best to drive traffic to their websites to reap maximum benefits, and some try to do so by producing a maximum quantity of content. Their core principle was “quantity over quality” to attract more audience. This issue was addressed by the Panda Update of Google, which ensured that quality should be preferred over quantity.

If anyone tries to use these black hat SEO tactics again, but with ChatGPT, they should at least check this update out. And “Google” can further update its policies related to AI tools as ChatGPT can become a potential competitor for Google itself in the future.

AI Content Detectors

Many AI detection tools can differentiate between automated content and the one written by a content writer. These tools differentiate based on every writer’s unique writing style, including phrases and descriptive words they like to use in their articles.

One such tool introduced by the OpenAI company itself is the “Open AI Text Classifier.”

In this time of uncertainty, we should understand the purpose of ChatGPT rather than being scared of it. It is a tool to help out humans, not to take away anything from us. There are writers in the offline world as well. Had the introduction of content writing decreased the demand for offline news writers and authors? It increased it, and these writers exist in a particular industry compared to the ones who work online.

Suppose AI improves too much and ChatGPT content is accepted by all the search engines in the future. In that case, I imagine a world where AI content writers exist side by side in a separate category of writers compared to SEO content writers. The demand for all these writers will still exist according to the needs of different businesses, just like the demand for graphic designers didn’t take over the painting industry, but graphic designing rather established itself separately.

So, we can conclude that ChatGPT is not a threat to a content writer, but these AI writing tools have the potential to give rise to an industry of their own.



Nousher Hassan Tariq

SEO Content Writer/ Product Content Writer/ Affiliate Marketeer